5 Things New In Windows 10

Window 10 is the version of Microsoft flagship operating system. It was released on July 2015 and it follows the window 8. The pro addition of window 10 offers some extra features and tools. Windows 10 was installed in thousands of devices when it was just released. Here we are going to discuss five new things in Windows 10.

5 Things New In Windows 10

Smart Menu:

Windows 10 user will be glad to know that the desktop and Start button is back now but this is also quite irritating for some users. They should be worry about it because there are a bunch of customization options to tweak these settings.

Windows 10 edge:

A few compulsory elements in the interface is shown by Windows 10 edge and it is very fast. Different tools can be drawn with Windows 10 edge and you can also share them as an image file.


The interesting and useful feature of the window 10 is Cortana. Local resources such as files or OS setting can be searched on it. You can also set the reminder for different places and times on Cortana.

Multiple desktops:

Multiple desktop feature allows you to run many desktops on a single monitor. Now many desktops can be accessed on the single monitor so you need no more monitors.

Snap Assist:

This feature help you to hit the windows logo key and side arrows keys. You can now easily snap a window with mouse or keyboard.