8 Features of Samsung Notebook 9

In this article, we are going to discuss about the features of Samsung notebook 9.

8 Features of Samsung Notebook 9

1- This laptop has fully immersive 15-inch thin screen with 2.9-pound weight. Apart from this, this high quality metal device works not only as a traditional notebook, but also works at 180 degrees, so that you can share your image.
2- Take a look at the way of images and words on the full HD screen and you know that it comes from Samsung. Add a layer-reflecting function which ensures that everything looks great, even in the afternoon or in the dim blurred room.
3- Lighter notebook 9 has more power than you think. Thanks to the efficiency and speed of the Superfast Intel Core i7 processor, you can add many functions at the same time. Apart from this, with a solid-state hard drive, your laptop displays at the speed of lightning.
4- There is an amazingly powerful battery inside the thin frame of notebook 9. Up to 12 hours on the same charge, you can continue to work from Seattle to Beijing via your flight. And with fast charging you can charge about 90 minutes.
5- Answer the call, respond to text messages, and in real time get phone notifications on your laptop screen. Or drag files directly between your phone and your notebook 9. It's so easy. This is very good.
6- Wherever you are Microsoft Windows 10 give best solution. Navigate through an attractive and intuitive tile view. Keep your personal apps and work projects separate. And compatible with the Samsung Notebook 9, did more with Microsoft Office.
7- The keyboard is designed to boost your productivity. Work comfortably with the glass-coated touchpad and Ergonomically designed keyboard.
8- Make your login more secure by customizing it with a unique pattern or your signature. Use your privacy shadow to hide your work from others in public places. If your laptop is stolen you can track your laptop location that is always recorded on your laptop.